Become an Authorized Dealer!
Tell Us More About Your Company.

Please provide all required details below to qualify your business with us. If your company qualifies to become a dealer, a Torpedo representative will be in contact with you to discuss further opportunities. Thank you for your interest in the Torpedo Shoes Dealer Experience.

Business Owner *
Business Name *
Contact Number *
E-mail *
Company Website *
Address *
Type of Business *
How long have you been in business? *
Please list the products that you service/sell. *
Please provide a short description about your company.*
Please provide a short description about your company.* Looking to start selling in in the next 3 months

Looking to start in 6 months

Looking to start in 12 months

Currently just researching for dealer opportunities

Looking to start selling in in the next 3 months

Ready to buy today

What market do you service? What is your geographic reach? *
What is your annual sales volume? *
How many sales people do you have on your team? *
What is your monthly marketing budget and what marketing mediums do you utilize? *
What are your sales goals for 2018-2019? *